It's going to be a bit of a tiring week I thinkWe're off to Italy, which normally I'd be really looking forward to, but this time we're going to spend more time travelling than actually being there.
Tomorrow night I'll drive down to London and we'll stay in a hotel near Stansted airport ready to leave early next morning (we can't fly from Newcastle, as the car has to be down South ready for us to get to Wickham festival on Saturday) Then we arrive in Italy and do a gig there, and I'm sure we'll have a lovely time. Unfortunately the next night's gig isn't in Italy at all, but in Slovenia - the Okarina Festival, in the worryingly named town of Bled. So that's going to be a long drive. Then after the gig in Slovenia we drive back overnight to Venice, where we get a flight at 5.30am, getting us back to Stansted, where we get in the car and drive to Wickham, ready for a soundcheck at 4pm. Then the next day we drive to Aldeburgh - another longish drive, then the next day I drive home. Wonderful!
I shouldn't complain really - the travelling is a pain, but the gigs more than make up for it. At least I hope they will!
Just a quick message to all of you who were at the Buxton concert - thanks so much for making it a lovely gig for us. We really enjoyed playing. And the theatre was lovely. And my flowers are still looking healthy - thanks!
Work is still going on in the house - we still have no heating, and now the kitchen is completely out of action...which is a great excuse to go out and try all the local restaurants and pubs. I think we've tried them all now, and are going round for the second time!