Thursday, 4 December 2008


It's totally white here! It looks fantastic but I'm glad I don't have to drive anywhere today. I've got the rayburn on full blast, and the fire on in the living room and am quite enjoying the feeling of being safe, warm and somewhat removed from the rest of the world.
The dog went out for his walk this morning and came back with loads of little balls of ice festooning his ankles - looked very silly. Maybe I should get him some little dog boots?! (Okay - BIG dog boots!)
Playing in Sedbergh tomorrow, so I'm a bit worrried about driving there/back, but I'm going to try not to think about it until the morning, when hopefully the roads will be a bit clearer.
All for now,

1 comment:

John Crow said...

Lucky You
Got up at 6-30 to drive 35 miles to work and it was just starting to snow.At least its a main road to Lincoln, was'nt too bad. Just hate driving in falling snow in the dark.
By the time I got there it was raining. Saw you at the Lincoln festival few years ago with Karen Tweed. Great night.