Sunday 27 July 2008

Home again home again

Been home for a few days - and it's been sunny! Fantastic! This is what I've been looking forward to for absolutely ages - a couple of days off, at home, in the sun. Brilliant!
I needed a bit of a rest after the Proms thing. It went well by the piece worked, and although we didn't play it as fast as I'd hoped it still seemed to provide a rousing finale, with a great response from the audience (thanks, if any of you were there!)
I know my mum was out there, cheering - it was her first visit to the Proms, and although she loved it she was a little indignant because she got told off for tapping her handbag in time to the music. (Mothers! Can't take 'em anywhere!!)
And Folkestra were totally fab. I think they got the most applause out of anything in the 2 Folk day Proms - the audience loved them.
I wish they hadn't been at the beginning of the 2nd half though - as I'm sure that most of the newspaper critics must have been still in the bar at that point - well that's the only conclusion I can come to as to why Folkestra didn't even get a mention in a couple of the national press reviews I read. I really couldn't believe it - they played and peformed so well, and got such a rapturous reception.
There'll be a new Folkestra lineup come Sepember though, as some of the older members grow up and join the big bad world. We've got a few new young'uns coming in though, so it's all still looking positive.
Anyway - I'm off back outside to enjoy the last rays of evening sun.
Thanks for reading,

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